Monday, November 28, 2011

A Season of Thanks

Even though it is now past Thanksgiving, I feel the need for one more "thankful" post for someone I truly love and admire in a lot of ways--my big sister, Emma.

When I was little, some of the first prayers I remember saying to God consisted of me begging him for a baby sister.  Instead I wound up with two baby brothers.  Needless to say, I wasn't too thrilled about that.  God had a different plan in mind though, and while he never gave me a "real" sister, he has given me sisters at heart, Emma being one of the dearest to me.

There are many reasons why Emma is so special to me.  Through every year in high school, she was a person I could turn to with anything.  She was a stronghold for me in times of stress or in times when I just didn't know what to do.  She had a listening ear for everything.  She shared a love for music with me, and she struggled with me to fill some pretty big shoes when we took over the trumpet section together.  She's laughed with me, cried with me, and been there with me through many hard changes and situations. Like all sisters, we fought, but in the end, we came out stronger because of it.

These are all things from high school though.  One of the biggest things about Emma I'm thankful for today is the fact that even though I don't see her five times a day anymore, little has changed.  I might only see her five times a year now, but every time we get together we pick right up from where we left off.  Life has moved on from the days of high school for both of us, but I'm thankful that God has allowed us to stay "kindred spirits."  Some of my favorite high school memories were made with Emma, and through her friendship I've grown so much.  I can't begin to tell you how much fun we've had together over the last five years.  From being my locker buddy back in 7th grade all the way to biking 30 miles with me the day before leaving for college (not advised by the way), she's what I'd call a "forever friend" and I wouldn't trade her friendship for anything.

Thank you God for answering my prayer. 

1 comment:

  1. girl, you are going to bring me to tears. at work. I deserve none of this. but I love you! you are SO dear to me, and I thank God for you. :)
