Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Gift

Today I'm thankful for the gift God has given me in my love for kids.  I was so blessed this weekend.  I decided (rather last minute) to head home with my family after my band concert on Friday night.  I got to enjoy food from Mom, sleeping in my own bed, and some much needed peace and quiet (well as quiet as it ever gets with seemingly endless football games being broadcasted downstairs).  I also got to go back to my church for a visit.  The few times I have made it back this year, I haven't seen a friend in sight, but this time I saw a very special little friend who reminded me just why I do what I do.

I was wandering around, trying to find someone to talk to after service, and saw this little face in the crowd!  Ellie is my high school track coach's daughter, and I've been watching her and her two older sisters for the last few summers off an on.  I held out my arms to little Ellie and she just ran toward me and gave me a big hug.  I don't know about you, but I think hugs from kids are the best.  Kids don't give hugs just to give hugs, they give hugs because they actually mean them!  Seeing Ellie's eyes light up when she saw me reminded me just how much I mean to this little girl.  She rattled on and on about her halloween costume, her stashed away candy, and even her cool-aid dyed hair!  She was just a whirlwind of smiles.  She turned to her mom and said "Mooooom, we should have Mary babysit again."  I felt sad as her mom had to explain that I was gone away at college and wouldn't be home for another month.  Ellie's face fell instantly.   I know that Ellie looks up to me in a lot of ways.  She knows that I care about her and that I'll pay attention to her even when her sisters and brother won't.  She knows I'm not afraid to be crazy with her and dance around the kitchen.  I'll make brownies and jello.  Sometimes I'll even pretend to be the Joker while she pretends to be Batman (that's usually only if I got sufficient sleep though!)  Other times I'll hold her hand while she cries, or simply go sit by her and ask her what's wrong when she's not playing with everyone else at the park.  Then I'll get about a week's worth of calories burned off chasing her and her siblings around the slides and swings.  I wouldn't trade what I do for anything.

According to Anne Shirley (my idol in every way) "We love best the people who need us."  Whether it's little girls like Ellie, Molly, Brooke, or Annamarie, or BIG girls like Megan or Christal, I find myself drawn to them simply because I know that they need me. And in the end, I need them just as much.  The little ones may not realize it, but as I'm spending my days with them in the summer, they are pouring into me just as much as I'm pouring into them.  Not even just because I'm a "mom in training" or a "teacher in training" but because they give a sense of purpose to my days.  I think when we take our eyes off of ourselves and focus on others we come to an even deeper understanding of what true joy and fulfillment can be.

Am I already looking forward to summer?  Maybe a little bit.  But for now I'm enjoying the moment and not thinking too much about summer.  Because like a lot of things in life, it will come before I know it :)

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