Sunday, November 25, 2012

Deeper into Trust

Hi!  It's almost been three months since my last update!  Oops.  Funny story about that:  I've actually made two or three attempts at writing a post, but I've gotten lost in my own words, and I ended up confusing myself even more.  See, I have a lot going on in my heart, but sometimes it's just hard to put it all into words.  People ask how I'm doing, and I try my very best to tell them as much as I can.  Answering the "how are you doing" question has gotten harder as the years go on.  That's frustrating for me because I usually have no trouble whatsoever talking about, well, anything.  But, this is going to be me giving it my best shot.

Much of this semester has boiled down to trust.  Do you ever have those times when you give something over to God, you entrust it to Him completely, and He proves His faithfulness by providing in a situation?  Often times in a better way then you could ever imagine?  I love it when that happens.  I love being able to tell the stories of God's faithfulness.  Even if sometimes I'm not even telling the story to anyone, I'm just reminding my own heart of His goodness.

It's been a while since I've really been struck by God's faithfulness in a situation though.  That doesn't mean that I don't think He's working through things in my life, but it just means that for right now, it just is hard to see beyond the present struggles.  Sometimes I'm left wondering how it's going to all work out.  Because at this point, I know that God is the only one who is strong enough or powerful enough to bring me through things.

So we're back at trust.  Do I really trust God that He will be faithful?  Do I really believe that, just like He has in the past, He will come through?  He won't leave me, nor forsake me?  He knows everything that I need?  And He actually WANTS to give me the desires of my heart?  I think I know the answers to those questions.  I think the next step in my journey is just remembering God's faithfulness each day. And never ceasing in prayer.  Putting my focus on God, and remembering that He is in control.  Looking forward to the day that I can look back on this time of my life and say, just like I have been able to do before, God is faithful, and he knows what He is doing.  Life is a journey.  And for now, I think my eyes need to be fixed on God and not worrying about anything because no place is safer than the arms of Jesus.

These verses have really been speaking to me lately:

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Sufficient for the day is its own troubles."  Matthew 6:33-34

So, as I finish this semester, I'm embarking on this journey of trust yet again.  I feel refreshed and ready to tackle everything again.  And I'm oh so thankful that between the people God has placed in my life, and God Himself, I will NEVER be alone.  --Miss Mary Sunshine, over and out!

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