Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Time

I'm officially nearing the end of the longest Christmas break I have ever experienced.  Right now I'm sitting in a cute coffee shop in Northern Wisconsin looking out over a snowy lake.  That's right, amazing as it seems, snow is actually a concept when you go four and a half hours northeast!  I'm enjoying being surrounded by big trees and lakes.  It's refreshingly peaceful up here.

Going home for Christmas was so different this year.  In high school I always had some sort of project to do, paper to write, or test to study for over break, but this year was truly a break.  I had literally nothing that needed to be done.  Because of that, both I and my entire family spent much needed time with countless friends.  It seemed like every day there was a different person to see and talk to.  This was both a blessing and a struggle for me.   I absolutely love being busy and having people surrounding me, but at the same time, there were days where I just wanted to sit in the den and read a book all the while listening to my mom baking in the kitchen, Daniel screaming at the Packer game in the basement, my dad making corny jokes, or Ben playing the piano in the living room.

However, most days that didn't happen.  I'm not sure I minded though because I got to spend time with people that I just don't see anymore.  That was such a treat.

As a Christmas present for Ben, a friend and I brought Jasmine home from Colorado for a huge surprise.  I've never seen him so speechless in my whole life when she popped out from inside his closet!  Of course, Ben still had school during the day, so Jasmine and I got some coloring, talking, and face painting done.  It was so fun to see her.  I think she and I had almost as much fun together as she and Ben.  Almost :)  It was sad to see her go, but I think a road trip to Colorado is in the near future for Ben and me.

The day after Christmas, we got to spend time with cousins.  I always appreciate the time we get to spend with them.  The older they get and the older we get, the more we can do together.  And as you can see, this picture was taken December 26th.  We were all coat-less and enjoying the warm weather and taking our very first cousin-only walk.

I also got to see this lovely lady twice!  Once at our trumpet sleepover and once for our traditional pancake breakfast and adventure (which this time, due to injuries, only ended up being a walk down the path by my house).  I wouldn't trade sister talks with Emma for anything.

All in all, even though this break was busy with even more people than I mentioned, it was lovely.  It was a good kind of busy that filled me up and reminded me of how special these friends are to my family and me.  By this point however, I'm ready to get back to school and get back to my regular routine.  But for now, I'm enjoying the views up in Northern Wisconsin as well as the company of two special people that I've been missing for three weeks, so I think I can wait a few more days to get back to the busyness of life.  :)

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