Sunday, July 15, 2012


There are certain things in life that you just can't put a price on.  I think everyone can agree with that.  And to put it like good ol' Pooh would, "Sometimes it's the smallest things that take up the most room in your heart."

This past week I got to go spend a time with Miss Megan and her family up in northern Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan.  I don't know if you've ever been to northern Wisconsin before, but it is seriously like another world up there!  The wide open fields and busy highways of the south metro transformed into forests and deserted dirt roads before my very eyes as I traveled north.

As I breathed in the Wisconsin air and took time to relax this week, I realized just how important the little things are to me.  Things like, bonfires (the kind that no one feels the need to talk during), swimming, catching frogs, staring up at the stars, hearing the wind whisper through pine trees, hugs (the best friend kind), watching almost an entire season of I Love Lucy, friendship tea in matching zebra and giraffe mugs, laughing, smiling, making food, drinking coffee, playing music, sleeping till 10 (or maybe 12), picking rascalberries, discovering that you actually have 17 different possible nicknames, and just the simple pleasure of remembering that your far-away friend does actually exist in a world apart from your phone or your computer.

If anyone has been paying the slightest bit of attention to this blog of mine, they'd be able to read and see that God's been changing me a lot in this past year.  Things haven't always been easy, or happy, or fun.  And even though those difficult times are still merely a fraction compared to the good times, because of those hard things, I've learned to rely on God to get me through when it's been too hard to stand on my own.

Even though our deepest reliance should always be on God, even God knows that we need friends on this side of heaven too.  I am so thankful that about exactly a year ago, I started to get to know Megan.  A year ago I was already praying for her achey back, and she was already praying for my trumpet audition.  And that was before we'd ever even met.  A whole year later, I can say that I am still amazed that God chose to bless me with such a faithful, loving, trustworthy, grounded-in-Christ friend like her...because I haven't always deserved it.  Oh yeah, that's where that faithful part comes in.  She is such a blessing in my life and in the lives of others.  Her friendship is one that is priceless to me.

Want to hear more about my week up north? Well, sorry because I probably already told too much.  There are just some things that only my best friend and I will ever know about ;)