Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Change of Wind -- Being Blown Back Home :)

As you may already know by now, I'm officially back home for the summer!  And as of about 4:00 this afternoon, I'm officially all moved in!  It only took five days.  My excuse is that I just got back from band tour to New York and Philadelphia.  So not only did I have stuff from college to put back in order, but I also had a week's worth of a messy suitcase to figure out!  I'm sure glad everything is back in order in my room though, and I think my mom is too because this house is entering into lockdown mode as we get ready for Ben's grad party next weekend.  I'm almost afraid to leave my room for fear of creating a mess my mom will have to clean up!

But that's about as exciting as it's gotten around here since I've been back.  For the most part, my parents have been at work and my brothers have been at school.  That leaves me and the dog here at home for the daytime.  I've needed the quiet though.  When I first got back home from saying goodbye to everyone at  school, I ran up to my room with Lizzy and just sat on my bed.  The only noise I could hear was the ringing in my ears from the constant chatter and music I'd been surrounded by for the past, well, four months.  For the first time, I was alone.

When I was younger, I always loved the wind because it felt so awesome and powerful.  And as I've gotten older, I still love it because it reminds me that God is powerful and He is always in control no matter what the circumstance.  It just so happened that my first two days of being back home were some of the windiest days yet this year.  I just felt this overwhelming presence of God as the wind blew through my house.  Yeah, by this point I'm starting to miss school a little bit, and I definitely miss the people I've gotten to know this year, but I'm excited to see what God's going to do in me and in others this summer.

If there's one thing I could say I learned while I was on tour, it's this: God is sovereign.  When worry starts to take over and I lose focus of what's really important, I've been getting better about turning to God in prayer instead of freaking out.  I mean really, my worrying does nothing to help any situation.  God's the one who's in control of it all, and He isn't going to let anything happen that He doesn't want to have happen.  I often forget that and lose my trust in God and in others because of it.  My friends will tell you that I'm definitely not perfect at this whole "not worrying" thing!  And my family will tell you that it's been a struggle for me ever since I was a little girl!  But it's a process.  It's always a process.  And it's a process that I know I'll still be working through for a long time, but I'm already seeing how far God's brought me in this process.  That brings me back to Philippians 1:6 where it says "But we can be confident of this, that he who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

God's not finished with me yet!  And even though the wind is changing, and it might be hard at times, I choose to trust Him.